Sunday, April 14, 2013


When I was leaving Rhode Island, my mom started crying when I was saying bye to my parents... It was like Pre-K all over again! Eventually we went through security and took the 8 1/2 hour long travel time to Tucson, Arizona. I think the plane rides were very beneficial for letting everyone on the trip to get to know each other a little better and bond more. I sat with Shioban and Brittany on the first plane. i learned that we were al dancers and we hit it off from there. On the last flight, my entertainment was watching Nasly, Ben, and Carlene in the seats acorss from mine. Ben was trying to fall asleep with an eye mask and neck pillow, therefore Nasly touched Ben's nose with a folded up airplane napkin and Ben inevitable jerked awake! It was hilarious! After landing and exiting into the Tucson, Arizona airport, I took many pictures. I have never seen such huge cacti! The scenery is such a huge change from Rhode Island. Arizona is full of tall tall alm trees, cacti, little grass, sand, clay, gravel, and lots of red undertones! My favorite color 😍


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