Saturday, April 20, 2013

Random Memories

At the memorial for the unknown adolescent, directly after prayer, when the wind came up out of nowhere and blew through our little group. A coincidence? We thought not. We had chills and couldn't speak for a moment.

Mr. Martinez, Ben, and I going through coffee withdrawal.

Nasly scaling the rock wall.

Our first Mass on Sunday evening at the University of Arizona. 

Throwing up at the Nogales Border Patrol station. And at the courthouse. And in the van.

The smell of the courtroom during the Operation Streamline proceeding. 

Welcome signs posted all around by our San Miguel hosts.

Affirming Kenenna Amuzie, a Lasallian Volunteer and our immersion guide, during our prayer and reflection on the last evening. So many tears, so much laughter! A woman who personifies the mission of Saint John Baptise de La Salle.

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