Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The desert and the border

Yesterday we started our day at the ZZ Cattle Corporation's headquarters. We visited the beautiful ranch home of Dan Bell, the president of the corporation. Dan Bell gave us a view o the immigration issue that I had never heard. Unlike the border patrol, judges, and politicians, his concern along the border is for his safety and the survival of his business. One of his friends was shot for an unknown reason while attempting to help a group of migrants. In addition to this, the fences that keep his cattle from escaping are often cut by people crossing. I admired his motives for increased border security. More than this, I admired the fact that he still helps migrants who need food and water.

Later in the day, we went to the city of Nogales, which was cut in half by the wall. It reminded me of what I perceive to be the Berlin Wall. It greatly affected me to see this one area in particular where a grate seperated the two sides. A man and a woman were talking to each other through the grate. It's strange, how these two people were seperated by this massive fortification.

Ultimately I realized the hardship on both sides that come with illegal immigration. I realized that all of this would be solved if there was a wa to allow immigrants to enter the country legally. That way, the only people still crossing the border illegally would be those who are carrying drugs and those who have criminal records. I could sleep soundly at night knowing that the only people innocent people who are only seeking work are not seperated, arrested, and exploited.

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