Thursday, April 18, 2013


I keep thinking about all  the undocumented migrants who were captured by border control, that we saw on Monday. We first saw hundreds of people locked in a cage when we were getting a tour of the border patrol. Every person looked unshowered, malnourished, sad and the stench was strong. We were told that they were fed with Burger King hamburgers but food seemed no where in sight. The thing that stuck me most was the shackels they were contained in. They were handcuffed at hand and feel and had a charin around their waist. Why so much restriction for a misdemeanor crime ? Later that day when we went to streamline court, 70 other undocumented immigrants were being put on trial. Each person, man and woman were also shackled. They too looked unshowered, malnourished and their smell was significant. The fact that they were so tied up just really bothered me, do you think it's right ?

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